Saturday 27 October 2007

Pumpkin Soup

1 large pumpkin
1 pint of stock (Veg or chicken)
2 cloves garlic
1 medium chilli
1 can coconut milk
lots of corriander

Boil the pumpkin in the stock until tender. Drain but retain the cooking water.

In a blender, combine the chilli, garlic and corriander. Give it a good wizz.

When the pumpkin is soft drain. Combine the pumpkin with the chilli/garlic/coriander mix and blend until smooth.
(I did this with a handblender in my big cooking pot).

In your cooking pot add the coconut milk to the pumbkin mixture and simmer. If the soup is too thick add some of the reserved cooking water.

Serve hot in large bowls, garnished with chopped corriander.

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