Saturday 26 July 2008

Cherry Clafoutis

When everytime you pick up a cook book, magazine or recipe card, you can't help but wonder if your being "told" to try something. When it then appears on the TV and on websites you frequent, you know you must. This is the case with Cherry Clafoutis.

300g cherries, unpitted (although I did pit mine!!)
300ml milk
3 eggs
60g caster sugar
60g plain flour
Half-tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
Half-tsp vanilla extract
Icing sugar for serving


Heat the oven to 180C/Gas 4. Remove the stalks and arrange the cherries in a single layer in a shallow, lightly buttered 22cm glass or porcelain baking dish. In a food processor, combine the eggs and sugar and beat until smooth. Add the milk, salt and vanilla extract, and whiz briefly. Sift in the flour and baking powder and blend for one minute until smooth. Pour the batter over the cherries until just covered (you may not use all the batter) and bake for between 30 and 40 minutes, or until puffed, golden, and set. Rest for ten minutes (it will sink slightly), then dust with icing sugar and serve warm, straight from the dish.

I will admit this was not to my taste and a great dissappointment. I have also come to the conclusion that whilst I love cherries, I do not like them cooked. I had some difficulty in getting my clafoutis to set whilst baking, and this could account for the slightly rubbery texture.

1 comment:

JillyB said...

How disappointing. It's such a shame when we make something and it doesn't taste as it ought to. Perhaps it was the sort of cherries that were available.